RoadToHillNothing Wiki
Russian captain mir

Captain Mir moves into the office building, 2010

"With pleasure sir"- Captain Mir to the General 2010 Hill Nothing Mainstreet

Captain Mir was second in command of the Russian attack force sent to kill Scarlet in Hill Nothing. Captain Mir was an important member of the attack force, he only answered to the attack force's leader the General.

Captain Mir led his men into the secret lab and Scarlet was killed, soon he and his men went to the Hill Nothing mainstreet with the General to await for Helicopter E9-Delta lown by Gravinn, soon he was ordered to kill,Susie and her Dad. With Rein the two went into the CCTV building in search of Susie and her Dad in order to kill them both, but they we're soon killed by a infected Scaz, as soon as he was dead all radio contact was gone between him and the other men.
